You read the title of this article and now you’ve clicked it out of curiosity. Yet you’re still wondering how getting more…
A detailed guide on how the next of kin structure works on Cowrywise, in line with the Nigerian law, to aid seamless transfer of assets.
The simple guide to understanding the basics of money market funds and how you earn from them. These are low-risk mutual funds great for new investors.
Everyone seems to be a self-proclaimed investor and money coach these days but just how much of that financial advice is actually…
Now, more than ever, we are reminded why having an emergency fund is important. You could lose your job, have a medical…
Cowrywise Savings Challenges are a great way to competitively save money and this article highlights all the top ones you can join today!
This quick guide will teach you how to organize money dates. Money dates are a great approach to discussing money in relationships.
Beyond unlimited free money transfers, Cowrywise Stash helps you save and invest without a debit card. This article explains the workings of the feature.
Actual stories of how Nigerians handled emergency funds in the face of a crisis. These are stories you can relate with, and learn from.
Learn how to manage money during a financial crisis. It will show you how to create a crisis budget, build an emergency fund, and shop for essentials.
How to make a choice between renting or owning your own house in Nigeria. This guides walks you through both sides of this age-long debate.
A transparency guide on interest rates for online investment platforms in Nigeria, and how we are optimizing to give you the best returns.