Wealth that
lasts forever.

This is where modern couples plan towards a rich lifestyle, invest and achieve major milestones together.

Create a Duo Plan

Set tangible milestones customized just for you and your partner.


Hit your goals faster by earning rich returns on your investments.

Build Wealth Together

Knock off important milestones — a chess move towards building long-lasting generational wealth.

Two is better than one.



You’ll both have


₦0 earned in returns on Cowrywise

Calculations are based on the average performance of conservative mutual funds on Cowrywise from 2019.

We wanted to save up N50m at the end of our first year together. I think that was the major goal and why we started using Duo. We haven’t hit our goal yet but we’re one step closer. N50m in the bag soon!

Keeping your money safe is our business

You retain exclusive access to your portion of the total Duo contribution to ensure the safety and protection of your money. Your partner cannot access or take any action on what you contribute—you’re the only one who has the power to manage that.

Invest in wealth that lasts two lifetimes.

Building wealth alone is excellent but together, you’ll make bigger dreams come true. No more waiting for someday—make it all happen together and have a blast doing it.


What are Pods?

Pods are containers that house milestones you and your partner would like to save towards together. Like two peas in a pod, your shared savings will help you achieve these milestones faster.

What is a General Pod?

This is the default Pod set-up for you whenever you create a Duo plan. It holds your initial savings, and you can top it up any time.

Why is my Money Duo plan open?

This means you can now get higher returns and have access to your funds whenever you need it. For locked Duo plans, they will be upgraded to an open plan at maturity

Can I leave a locked Duo plan?

Yes, you can leave a locked plan before it matures. It will be converted to a Regular Savings plan with the same savings tenor and interest rate.

Can I leave an open Duo plan?

If you decide to stop saving in an open Duo plan, you can withdraw your entire contribution from the plan.

Is Money Duo a product for me?

Yes, if you are in a serious relationship or have a partner. It will help you achieve tangible goals faster, together.