TL asleep? ?
Now, I’ll be honest, I like T.
T likes me too.
And I know I didn’t need to spell it out like that, because I feel like we’ve already cleared out the first part. It’s just sort of important that I clear the air on the second part of T liking me too before I say what I’m about to say.
Remember a few days ago, I said I was going to tell you a critical part of the gist that I left out. I’m still going to do that, so don’t worry.
So here’s the thing: T and I had a number of really long conversations about the things we like about each other, and how compatible we are.
The last time we had a similar conversation, it just dawned on me that T kept saying things like, “would have been” and “I wish”. I’m not completely sure what it means, and I want to ask, but I’m scared.
I’m scared because I think I know the answer, without even asking.
No matter how much we like each other and enjoy each other’s company, we can’t be together.
It hurts me, but it is what it is, I guess.
This is just me speculating though. I probably shouldn’t conclude the worst because I’m not sure what’s going on in T’s mind. If it’s what I’m thinking, then it’s a justifiable reason.
This thing I’m thinking is the critical piece of information I left out in all of this that I said I needed to tell you guys. I still would, but for now, I need your suggestions.
I always come through for you on money advice. Now I need your love suggestions. What would you do if you really like someone, but for some valid reason, you know you can’t be together in a defined relationship? Do you try to make excuses and find a way around the glaringly valid reason? Or do you just stop liking them? Or what?
See? This is why I hate all this love thing. It’s not straightforward like money.
In this life, just stick to what you know how to do best because I don’t even know how I got myself into this ?. By now, I would have been somewhere helping someone to create a budget, or plan a trip, but nooo.
Please you guys should help me ?
I’d be in the comments.
Talk tomorrow.
Ope ?
Sometimes, people are just better as friends and are meant to stay that way. But I really hope your speculation is very false?
This reason isn’t only valid to T, you also find it valid. ?
You can’t just decide to stop liking a person, unfortunately. The best you can do is try to steer the relationship back to a safe zone (plain friendship) before feelings get deeper and you find yourselves ignoring the ‘glaringly valid reason’.
Buttttt… We don’t know what’s on T’s mind yet. Let’s take solace in that ??
I was seriously rooting for you and T so I am really sad.
Honestly you can’t just stop liking someone, you have to look at the reasons you can’t be together, are they really valid or are there things you can risk working through. Then you make the decision on what is best for you.
Now if you Sha know it can’t work, then Just strive towards friendship, it ain’t easy but you have to do it. The discipline you use for money will be useful here.
Good luck my dear
Thank you ?