I think I’ve subconsciously run into a daily routine. I wake up and I check my phone first – Instagram and Twitter.
It’s pretty much reflexive at this point because I dream about you guys lol.
I’m not kidding though.
One of the perks of having so many friends is communicating with all of them. Some days some people need an extra hand or some financial advice. Other times, they’re just excited to share a new money win! I love that users feel comfortable chatting with me, letting me in, and trusting me to be there in the nick of time.
I’ve found friendship with you.
I won’t lie, some days there’s anxiety; what if my friends don’t trust me enough? What if they’re not patient with me, will I get dragged to Twitter court? I often speak about this with Feranmi Okafor. I will always do better with you and for you because I know what it feels like to walk a mile in your shoes.
The average Nigerian swims in a labyrinth of lies and scams so it makes sense. A lot of people have zero to little trust with money. Your heart skips when a transaction doesn’t go through – you don’t even want to hear it! I promise you, I get it.
Here’s another thing with friendship groups: you have to share. Sharing means I need to create the best content, I need to always keep you updated, and I can’t hide things from you. Unless, how do we have fun?
Every Instagram reel, tweet, LinkedIn and Telegram post comes from the most amazing growth team that I work with. I stress them sometimes, but it’s just because I know you’re waiting – you want more.
Although you don’t see my face in the Tik-Toks and pictures, you still feel my presence, we talk in the DMs and in the comment section. I watch the videos & even the voice notes you send me.
Knowing that you trust me enough to be vulnerable makes me happy, you can rest easy knowing that I’ll be here.
Today’s diary post is basically a reassurance for you – that no matter how many friends we grow to have on Cowrywise, I’d still care about each and every one of you. Every single one.
I’ll talk to you tomorrow.
Ope ?