What is Personal Finance? Personal Finance covers all aspects of money management, including income, savings, tax, investments, budgeting, etc. Understanding personal finance…
We now live in a “cashless society” that prioritizes sending and receiving money online, instead of carrying notes around. This ‘Simplified by…
Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer to our already robust security structure for your funds on Cowrywise.
On October 4th, 2020, Laura, a twenty-one-year-old lady shared a picture on Twitter. This was, however, a very unusual picture. She was…
Key lessons from managing fintech fraud attempts as a wealth management firm in Nigeria.
Learn how to manage money during a financial crisis. It will show you how to create a crisis budget, build an emergency fund, and shop for essentials.
We all love the beautiful sound of SMS alerts at the end of the month. However, how much of that beauty do we keep for ourselves?