Ope's Diary

Entry 5: Midnight Email Drafts

midnight email drafts

This work never ends, or in everyday parlance: “Work no dey finish”.

I was up 12 AM today drafting emails for Fathers’ Day, and I wrote about 15 variations before I arrived at a final choice.

Yes, those emails you take screenshots of and laugh about on twitter take so much work to create.

For the record, I love how you all hype my work online even though that comes with a spice of threats to break my head. About those threats

I’ve started visiting the gym—and I promise it’s just to keep fit so I can run when I finally meet those threatening me ?

But then, you are all nice people so you might never find out that I can actually give Bolt a run for his money.

Well, today isn’t the day to brag. Let’s get it moving…

After drafting and scheduling the email to inform you all about our plan for Father’s Day, I slept around 1:45 a.m. Faith, our lead for People & Culture, would definitely speak to me about this later. But I guess I just have a thing for drafting emails at midnight.

Thankfully, I had a good night rest. The office AC was on steroids.

Did I sleep at the office? Yes. Before you judge me, we have a great bed space for people who want to sleepover. Given the state of Lagos’ traffic yesterday, I slept over.

Later this morning, I zoomed home; took a quick shower; and went off for a wedding. I really gave myself to the owambe vibes till I saw people buying money to spray. Ahhhh ?

So, here’s what happened, people paid ₦60,000 to get ₦50,000 worth of mint ₦500 notes, and ₦26,000 to get ₦20,000 worth of ₦200 notes.

I kept asking: “Why not transfer the cash to them?”, “Must you spray new notes?”, but I like peace so I didn’t fume much so I won’t get dragged on Feranmi’s timeline again ?

Maybe I should just allow people enjoy things, right?

How did your Saturday go? Talk to me in the comments.

Don’t worry, I won’t sub you in Monday’s notification ?

Ope ?

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