If like Sisi Yemmie, you want to financially plan for the new year, then this post is for you! Simplified by Cowrywise…
Money Chronicles showcase the honest money experiences of everyday people who use Cowrywise. We share a story on the 17th of every…
Billionaire Employee ? When we googled Sheryl Sandberg, the Chief Operating Officer at Facebook, the first word that stood out for us…
Equity mutual funds in November kept the returns going high! We explain why this and how people paid the government to borrow from them.
The Domino Effect of Shopping for New Things We all have experienced this. You walk into a store to purchase specific items…
ARM (Asset & Resource Management Holding Company) partners Cowrywise to drive investments in mutual funds investments from first-time investors.
The exciting story of Ezekiel, who moved from begging online to using Cowrywise to save for his business–a printing press.
Mutual Funds in October 2020 had a good rain of returns, particularly bond funds. Read this article to understand why in simple english.
In September 2020, equity mutual funds had a bull party. This guide, written in simple ~english, explains what that means and how it happened
A surprisingly expensive item for young adults is their first mattress. This guide touches on that, household items and 3 other financial tips.
Key lessons from managing fintech fraud attempts as a wealth management firm in Nigeria.
From witty copies to action-driven campaigns, this guide walks you through our in-house growth strategy with push notifications.