I’m a very easy-going person. Very few things get to me.
Very few.
But lately, I’ve been struggling to…
You know what? Let me just tell you the whole story. It’s more like a rant, actually.
Have you ever had a safe place? Somewhere you go or something you do to let out steam and ease stress?
Well, I do.
For me, it’s music.
Everyday when I get back from work, I turn my bluetooth on, connect to my speakers and go to my safe place while I shower and get dinner ready.
At least that was my life, until last week.
A new person moved into the apartment next door, and I wish that didn’t happen. Tolu, my new neighbour, has desecrated my safe space, and I don’t find it funny at all.
One day, I got home and noticed that the once dusty door across the hall had been cleaned, and the lock had been changed. I didn’t make much of it until a few days ago.
Since then, every single time I get home and turn my music on, I hear Tolu’s voice singing out loud, along to my music. I don’t have that much of a problem with it, as long as Tolu sings on a key that exists. But nooooo…
Sigh, I don’t know what to do. Now I can’t play my music because Tolu would start to sing along. I have to sit in silence or plug my earphones in. It seems like such a small thing, but I was really looking forward to my safe space all today until Tolu happened.
I would use earphones, but it’s not the same. I love it when I can almost feel the sound waves move across the room and fill the air. It’s what makes it so precious. Ugh. I have the worst neighbour.
This is such a random story with no real point, but what is a diary for anyway?
I honestly just came here to rant because I don’t know what to do. Should I go over and let Tolu know to stop singing along? Or maybe I should find unpopular songs that Tolu would not know ? Hmm, please what do you guys think? Send help ?
Ugh, I’m just going to sleep. I’m too tired for this.
Hmmm or, maybe I’d just call T. If there’s anybody that would know what to do, it’s T.
Talk tomorrow.
Ope ?
Unpopular songs, I’m sure You would learn them too. Maybe, just maybe that’s tolu’s safe space too, singing off-key to Ope’s playlist ?.
Don’t worry with time, you’d get over it.
*”he’ would learn them*
No please ?
Wahala for who no get T to call o.
Double wahala for who im T no know wetin to do?