
How To Use The One-Time Generated Accounts on Cowrywise

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To be honest, I really love your educational content @cowrywise. I’ve learnt a lot about money from your weekly roundup of articles in your stories and your videos as well. –  Emmanuel 

One of our core values is financial education and this includes how to maximize all features on the Cowrywise app for your financial growth. In this short guide, we’ll spotlight the one-time generated accounts and how to use them effectively.

Use one-time generated accounts to top up any plan

One-time generated accounts allow you to quickly make bank transfers to any of your savings or investment plans on Cowrywise. So whether it’s a savings plan for rent or a long-term dollar investment plan, you can use this to generate an account number in a few seconds. However, this is very different from your Stash account number.

Difference between one-time generated accounts vs Stash accounts

Stash is the in-app wallet that allows you to easily move funds into your savings and investment plans. Also, it is the only means to withdraw funds out of your Cowrywise account. While one-time generated accounts are used to fund plans directly. 

This means that you can only access these one-time accounts when you want to top up a plan directly. The account number generated expires after 20 minutes, which is why you should not pay into the account after the 20 minutes time frame. If you have not paid into the account after 20 minutes, kindly generate another account number to pay into.

One-time generated account numbers are temporary and should not be saved as beneficiary accounts on your bank app. While the account numbers you are shown on Stash are more permanent and as such, may be added as a beneficiary on your bank app.

These temporary accounts are only ideal for when you need to make quick bank transfers directly into a savings or investment account.


  • Do not erroneously pay into one-time generated accounts after it expires. Neither should you set it as a beneficiary on your app as it is temporary.
  • Only your regular Stash account numbers can be set as beneficiaries on your bank app. We’ll inform you if this ever changes in the future.
  • Temporary accounts expire after 20 minutes. They can only be generated when you want to directly fund your savings or investment plans via bank transfer.
  • Alternatively, you can send funds to your Stash and then fund your savings or investments from Stash.


How to keep your account safe on Cowrywise

About author
Felix Akinnibi is an SEO specialist with 5+ years of experience doing SEO for both big brands and small businesses. He has done 100+ SEO audits so far and written 200+ pieces of content with a good number ranking in the SERPs. Felix holds several industry-standard SEO certifications from platforms such as MarketingSyrup Academy, Semrush, Google, LinkedIn among others. He keeps learning SEO and loves it. He especially takes interest in the technical aspect of SEO.

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