For many of us, the pull and pool of wealth is one that keeps beckoning to us. With the number of expenses to attend to, a majority of people are looking for the next opportunity to make it big financially. One major scheme that has lured people in with the promise of getting rich quickly is the infamous Ponzi scheme.
Are Ponzi Schemes the Same as Bubbles?
It is quite common for people to conflate bubbles and Ponzi schemes, but they are significantly different. Though some might argue that there are traces of fraudulent activities in some bubbles, it doesn’t change the fact that they were all driven by legitimate investments with the ability to earn returns.
On the other hand, Ponzi schemes, named after Charles Ponzi, the first person to set up a Ponzi scheme (1920), are fraudulent investments. Money put into Ponzi schemes is not actually invested to earn returns, and investors are promised absurd returns that are paid from the money of other investors. You should check out this article on tips for validating investment options.
Why Do People Fall for Ponzi Schemes?
Despite the illegitimacy of these schemes, it is not surprising that people still fall for these schemes. For one, the thought of gaining higher returns on any amount of money is one that very often excites everyone. For most people, the general rule of investment is the higher the interest, the better the investment.
Another prominent reason why we fall for Ponzi schemes is the promise of easy money. Who doesn’t like easy money? We guessed as much. Most victims of these schemes are lured in with the promise of making easy and quick money even from the comfort of your home. The idea of money growing right there in your bedroom is the major principle on which Ponzi schemes build on.
Perhaps, the major reason why people continue to fall for Ponzi schemes in their different forms is because of the wrong philosophy that money attracts success. As long as people keep holding on to this faulty mindset, we will continue to chase money by any means as opposed to investing in self-development in order to offer a value that attracts money.
What do we Suggest?
Given the evident human flaws that make everyone susceptible to investing in such schemes, how can you avoid falling prey? We have two workable tips for you:
1. Create/Join an Accountability Circle
It is easy to make a promise to yourself today and find yourself breaking it tomorrow. You are human and it’s just natural for such things to happen, that is why we all need to set up check mechanisms. One way to check your investment choices is to set up a Circle with goal-driven friends that are opposed to Ponzi schemes or other forms of illegitimate investments. Work closely with them on tracking your goals and investing together in proven investment choices. To help, you can set up an investment circle with Cowrywise.
2. Automate Your Investments
“Out of sight out of mind”, this common saying holds true a lot of times and still does with keeping your cash away from fraudulent investments. If you cultivate the habit of investing a part of your funds on a regular basis, combined with the help of your Circle, you’ll hardly ever have any spare cash to risk in unverifiable schemes similar to MMM, Loom to mention a few. Automate your investments today with the Cowrywise app.

Ever wondered if we are legit? Read this article:
There should be a clap or like option or ‘Super freaking amazing’ tab to click on after reading such a breakdown like this.
Great work!
Awesome… Love the blue fam??
Amazing job! Well done team!
I read this about 7am. A very amazing to get me fueled up for the day!!! Awesome work ?
Cowrywise for life..
Wow..this was an amazing read!!! I feel like I was literally a part of the process.
Amazing job. I’m with you guys any day anytime ❤❤
Great job by the team. We needed some kind of encouragement.
Waw it was amazing Gud work cowrywise team ❤
Really impressed keep up the good job.but I think there are some other things u need to add.
Cowry wise.
Used to check your website all the time for design inspiration?
This is super amazing. Good job guys
I will be part of you. Very soon!
I love as easy it is to login and the look and fill is perfect for me… My best color is blue and love the color here
This is an awesome creation. I admire your team. Great job indeed!
Am mesmerized
Hope to join this team
This is really impressive. Great work guys.
Wow! So much technicalities involved, but then I am rested assured my moneys safe! Lol..Glad to join cowrywise!
Okay Ope of cowriwise now that you guys have disturb me sotay I want to join
Great work
This is commendable work from the team. This is the kind of workspace I’ll love to be in soon. Collaborative leadership at its core. ??
Congratulations to the team for pulling this off.
It’s a pleasure to be a member here
Hope to see more improvements and most of all make more money
Amazing job from the entire.welldone!
Amazing job from the entire team.welldone!
This was so dope. Nice one to the Cowrywise team and my guy, FEYI FOR LIFE ?
Thumbs up!
Great work guys
Wow. That’s great cowrywise
I started using Cowrywise during my Youth Service in 2018 June. It has been an wholesome experience since then.
Great job to the whole team
Beautiful story telling… and great job you all have done
Awesome read. Proud-a-y’all♥️
Wow, that was a great narration, I was practically glued to my device while reading his. I felt like I was part of the Cowrywise team. Double thumbs up
well done,great team work .
I was sincerely glad to see my progress overtime presented in such an engaging manner. I even enjoyed posting it on social media and finding other friends who could relate. Thanks for sharing the story as well. Keep up the superb work!!!
Awesome. I really like how you guys explained the entire process in detail. As a programmer, I learned some new techniques. Kudos.
Mmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaadddddd ooooooo!
This was an amazing read.. I am a developer, currently learning React.. and seeing most of the terms mentioned gives me a clearer picture of how these technologies work in the real world..
Thanks for this article.. Kudos to your dev team.
You know what, I have always been a low key cowrywise ambassador but after reading this, I just might want to join the team full time.
This is so juicy I’ll have to bookmark this page and read it again and again!
is just beautiful weldon guys
Beautiful post and nice team you guys have. Keep it up.
This is inspiring.
Y’all are amazing..
Love this! Thank you for giving us a front seat into the team’s efforts while creating this feature. I absolutely enjoyed reading this and I’m inspired to do more with your brand. Well done guys!????
One bottle of your favourite brand to everyone at Team cowrywise…
I enjoy the write up and the regular updates.
thank you
Great piece of work guys.
The beauty of working with a motivated team from scratch
The beauty of team work and perseverance.
Your team did an amazing job ??. I learned a lot from this article.
Amazing Story
This is inspiring
Very Interesting read! Keep it up.
Thank you, Joshua!
You are doing great job, my dear Ope.
I love Cowrywise;Cowrywise forever.
We love you too!