Oh you think I’m leaving Cowrywise? This is what is happening.
Here’s to Goodbye.
I am as pained as you are right now and frankly, I do not have the words to express all that I have on my mind right now. I have been with Cowrywise since inception, when all we had were just ideas on how to help Nigerians build wealth. It was a good time, working with Ed and Razaq to build what would become Cowrywise, what would become the best place to work. ?
Five years down the line and here we are. We are helping almost a million Nigerians save and invest their money. We have the SEC License. We are PCI DSS compliant. We have a robust campus ambassadors community spread across Nigeria. We have moved from zero to here, from ideas to execution. And through it all, I was present. ?
Through it all, I did not reveal anything about myself. ?
But it’s time to say goodbye to all that. Here’s my resignation letter to anonymity. Here’s me saying goodbye to that life – not to Cowrywise; I am not leaving Cowrywise– but to anonymity, to being unseen, to being in the shadows, to being invisible, to being unknown.
I have done a lot for you as an anonymous friend. But then I think I can do much more as a known friend, as someone you can call by name, someone you can see and recognise. I am going to reveal myself.
I will release a book! Yes! I have written a book telling you everything about me. Who I am, where I am from, what growing up in Nigeria looked like for me, my money mistakes, my failures, and every other thing you’d love to know about me! This is goodbye to hiding in the shadows and being that friend you don’t know.
My book, Ope’s Money Diary will be out in stores soon. I’m sure you’ll love it because I wrote it for you. I wrote it so you could get to know me. This is me extending a hand of friendship to you. Picture you and I in that fancy restaurant. We’ve made our orders but I’m here saying, “My name is Ope and I’d like us to get to know each other more.” Will you say yes?
Here’s goodbye to anonymity; cheers to total openness.
Ope of Cowrywise signing out! ✌?
Yay! Thank you so much! ?
You have been added to the waitlist. Please check your email for further details
LoL… Right from the email title, I knew it was a marketing ploy… Creative one too… Well done Ope and the cowrywise team
@ope l. You really got me. From the write up at my mail till I clicked ‘Read More’ I trust you know that look awwwn. But I was relieved of the tense at I read below. Am really happy knowing you more & thank for all you do! Keep on shining in the Lord. Shalom
wft is aww”n”. Where the fk did the N come from. Is that how you say it in real life?
Boss u no dey Naija ooo unless you’d know ???.
Awwwnnnn ?
Wow this really got me, Ope Weldon and keep on shining
Everybody writes “n” at the end of “awwwn”. Strange you don’t input it in yours and stranger that the fact someone(everyone in fact) does has you all twisted up.
Mehn!!!! You got me scared but at some point I knew you have an important information to pass across.you are doing well Ope!
Same here, I knew it was a marketing tactic but he almost got me sha. Lolzzz
Thank you, Edidiong. With you all the way. ?
Ope you really pranked us
Ope you sure have a way of getting readers attention!. I’m impressed.
And thank you for being our friend.
But wait o, April fool in a coded way.?
I really thought it was April Fool’s prank.
Oga this belt strong??! I want to use it on somebody. E strong? You’re like a father to me.
Ope ma paa mi naw?
Lmaoo I was so sure it was an April fool prank ?
? ? ? ? ? Omg
Ope see what you caused
Ope,I must confess you really pranked us. But is good to know we still have you here. All the best as you launch your book.
Blessing my love ♥️♥️
For the first time, I jumped to read the newsletter. Proves to show how storytelling sells
Just Getat, Ope
Hahaha. Why you dey tell Ope make e gettat? ???
Same here o, bro. Lolzzz
Ah Ope, you wanted to give a child of God heart palpitations. Yes to saying goodbye to anonymity and getting to each other better ?
No heart attacks here, Mila. ? Just love and warm hugs. ?
Nice One Ope,you had me?
We die here
Ah Ope wanted to make me cry
I wanted to leave too because I just registered. It is good you wasn’t leaving cowrywise, I would have imagined an internal bad PR.
Opeeee. Just include your home address in the book. What’s this heart attack early in the morning?
U dinnor have sense ??
My heart… which kain…
No be so ope?no dey do this kind thing
???????????To actually think you were leaving…..
Smart move, can’t wait to see your face. Happy New Month ?
Omg!!! see me crying ???. Lorddd. Please don’t play with me like this again ???
Abi, what’s going to happen to my money, you better don’t play. I have to start thinking about the safety of this cowrie something, now that your staffs are leaving
Hi Adeola,
Your money is safe irrespective of whether Ope leaves or not
But good thing is ,Ope is not leaving so you can put your mind at rest
Read it well now
He isn’t leaving
He isn’t leaving? Is Ope a he or she?
Good question. I’d love to know too. Can Ope do us both a favour by answering???♂️
Ope is a simply bolt (machine). It’s the new marketing thingy – Humanizing CS. No fears, Ope is here forever!
Did you read the whole article?? Lol
It had better be goodbye to anonymity?wc kain April fool stunt be that.I love reading from u OP,u are a very creative babe/dude,well done?
relax ?
You are really a good writer bcos you already known how to get people attentions with your first line ✋? weldone bro
I was almost shattered, I just kept hoping it’s a ploy cos I would have imagined the worse. We love you ope and saving is only easier with ur notes
The write up is a marketing strategy.
Oh man… I feel like you guys are fucking with me. To think I thought you were actually leaving……….
Never change Ope, never.
Well, today is April 1st so I was 100% sure it was a prank ??.
But i am excited for your book
Omo fear don first hold me.Shey no be say them wan fold up or something. Later I thought perhaps it was an April fool trick.
Well I’m relieved after reading the mail.
I would love to be part of cowrywise sales and marketing department…
This sales letter is crazy. Nice one ope. Much love cowrywise .
… You made a senior Comrade like me emotional.
I was about to withdraw all my money in my stash wallet.
This joke is expensive fa
Omooo for this first time I jumped to read my email messages immediately after dropping ???
Open don’t do this again?. Too early this April to give somebori’s daughter a near heart attack! ?
I run come read letter. See my life
Thank God you are not leaving,my heart breaks
For the first time, I jumped to read your mail Ope! I didn’t believe I could feel sad reading “a fake” resignation letter, Lmao!!
Me too ?
Bro’s ..make ahno talk…welll play Sha…
Omo! Which kind rough play be this for this morning na ??
Ope you to no where o?
Breathe down… I only recovered after reading.
You’ll need to follow up on others who could not recover. I wanted to opt for withdrawal straight but felt I should read on. Realize that some others may not.
Looking forward to having the book.
See the way my heart stoped when I got the notification, then pI was waiting to see April fools from the Cowrywise team.
I really want to throw some punches at you.
Anyways ,I can’t wait to know about the anonymous Ope we once knew ?
Please. Please. Please
I was already thinking about what the name will change to
Abeg Getat??. I was already getting emotional.
Ah! i even sent a success-goodbye + mixed feeling reply on that e-mail. Give me back my e-mail o Ope! lol
Me too bro?
Twist of fate, Zee World ???
You really got me there. Very lovely write up with a captivating letter head
Yes, Ope, it’ll be nice meeting you eventually…You got me there, I had to jump up to read ??…
Lolz. You got me this time! I doubt I read your e-mails. But for the first time, I opened to read through! Good one.
??ahhhh Ope what is this early April fool’s prank ….my heart was already doing gbim gbim that no more mails from Ope from cowrywise.
Well done ehhh I can’t wait to read your book ,I am sure it will be a great read and Happy new month ?
This is the first time I’m reading a newsletter from you. My heart jumped when I saw you’re leaving cowrie wise. I was already thinking on how I’m gonna stop saving money with them and moving to other money saving apps. Thank God, it was all a faux. I love you
ope! nobody plays with my emotions abi you won collect?
Thank God for not allowing breakfast to be served.
For the first time i read the mail ????
Nice story
Nice April 4ool from Ope.
Well done. I say yes to your proposal. Let’s do this.
Ọpẹ gbemidebe. Nice April Fool.
For the very first time I jumped to read thinking this was true
Ope? Leaving? See me see heartbreak
Omo this joke too expensive o ? but you did get me there so nice one
My Lord and my God…
What rough play ??
Nice marketing tactic though ??
For the first time in forever i fell for a financial institution april fool… Can’t even believe i opened the mail… Have never opened you guys mail…. But please keep my small money ooo???????
? April Fool’s Day
Ope just did us a nice fool’s day prank??
Ope ooooooo??????
Ope, you got me! It’s my first time opening this to read, thank God I did.
Happy April Fool’s Day, Ope
Ope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This early April morning you want to make me cry ?
Cheers to total openness ? few weeks back I decided to damn what everyone thinks and be the creative person I am. 4 blog posts down the line, and I’m really happy I decided to explore my creative side.
Welcome to the other side Ope✨
Chai abeg make Una no do this again, my BP don rise
Make una no try this kain play again o
Lol. You had me for a second.
See you soon, Ope
Ope! You no serious sha. See me thinking you’re joining the japa movement.
Congratulations on the book.
My heart was beating fast. Kai. Don’t try this again o.
April fool stuff . LOL!
Awesome way to get our attention… I just had to read the letter??… It’s also a huge honor to expect a book from our anonymous guide who will now be revealed
Wow. This April fool prank worked ?
Thank God you’re not leaving. Happy new month Ope and the Cowrywise team???
Oh my gosh! Ope!! This was good ??
Can’t wait for the book! ?
Ope abeg ooo,my heart run enter my yansh cos that money in Cowrywise is my life savings.This one is really captivating,i was feeling really emotional ?????
Ope really got me this morning, I swear ! Lol!!!! ??
I said to myself “Boya Ope want to do us April fool ni”, but lemme prove myself right and read the letter ?
Nice one Ope
Ope abeg ooo,my heart run enter my yansh cos that money in Cowrywise is my life savings.This one is really captivating,?????
But mehn! this is wonderful marketing.
You guys in Cowrywise are definitely doing somethings right.
Well done!
Ope! Ope!! Ope!!! How many times did I call you? Hmmm…….. Anyways, thanks for saying goodbye to anonymity. I can’t wait to get my hands on your book! Good one. God bless you all @cowrywise.
I suspected it was April fool
Ope I don’t like all this tough play. It is bad for my chest.
You got me reading
Omo, don’t try this again. I felt like you were breaking up with me. Ope my sweetheart. I can’t wait to know you ❤
This is the first time I am taking time out to read your newsletter with rapt attention. Ope, you truly got me! Nice one though and great marketing gimmicks.
Ope just pulled April fool prank on me?
Nothing short of the best, Ure doing an amazing work at Cowrywise, the caption of the resignation got me, but when u said the letter was attached, I knew it was something else …overall amazing, Anonymity was great and we expect your new identity to even be greater ..Ope all the best
Happy new month to you Ope. Happy to finally meet my namesake. Here’s a friendship that’ll work well……… I ran here to read because I knew you wouldn’t leave us here without someone like you but thank God it’s even better.
You should have at least left a picture so we know whom we are becoming friends with. Breaking the anonymity completely na @ope?
Of course! Did the April fool pain you? ??
Ahhhh Opeeeee.
I was going to place a call when the notification dropped,I left it to read: now I can’t even remember who I wanted to call??. Happy New Month??
Ope ??? I had to open to read through .
Where this ope guy dey now. Come teach me work oooo.
Ope I actually thought you were leaving oh , till I read your letter
Honestly, I have never opened the read more, but just having the newsletter from you reminds me that someone constantly care, my heart palpitated as I dash to hit the click icon, Your writing prowess is on point.
Looking forward to seeing more of you. Kudos to you and the entire Cowrywise Team.
And yeah!!, Let’s meet at a fancy restaurant…lol
You had to do this to meeee???… But I must say, tat was a good one!!! Waiting to read u as Ope and not the anonymous person?.
Oga, no dey whyne us oh. Which kain April fool play be this nah ?
Broooo?? I was trying to drink water when the email popped up ?,omoo I spat out the water when I saw “this is goodbye” ? I hurriedly opened it, read through and got through to the newsletter and got the real info. Thank you for giving me my steady heartbeat back,abeg no do this again.
Yess, I look forward to getting to know you more and building friendship. I await your book as well.
Thank you for all you do @cowrywise
Hmmmmm …this is AprilWise stuff. I was wondering if I should apply for your job having learned enough from you. Now I know better .. there is NO VACANCY!. Surely your book will be a complimentary read for prosperity. A signed free copy will not be a bad idea… You taught us to behave like the Ijebus. Congratulations.
Which kind April fool’s joke is this one nau??
Ope! U really scared me… For the very first time I read ur mail to the end. Nice write-up anyway, Weldon
I thought it was real
Hmmmmm …this is AprilWise stuff. I was wondering if I should apply for your job having learned enough from you. Now I know better .. there is NO VACANCY!. Surely your book will be a complimentary read for prosperity. A signed free copy will not be a bad idea… You taught us to behave like the Ijebus. Congratulations.
@ope got my attention sincerely ???
Your copywriting skill is amazing ???
Wow! This is amazing. You got me stoked!
Can’t wait to read your book. Thank you for all you’ve done and still doing to make us cultivate a better approach towards money.
We can’t wait to meet you in person.
Okay, this got my attention.???
A wonderful April fool story there….. happy new month OPE ??
This your April fool joke really got me but I’ll forgive you for the sake of old times lol.
Oh I thought I have been kicked out of Cowrywise…..Obim oo
Ope’s money diary on my mind…but really you got me on this one
I’d really love to see Ope in person, talk to him or her… this letter just gave the confidence to reveal myself too to the world.
I love you Ope?
Once you join the waitlist, you’ll be the first to know when my book is out. Love you, Oyinkansola!?
It’s too early for this April fool thing ope .. i love you thanks ??❤️
Love you too, Onyinyechi! ?
She got me, anyways happy new month ?.
A whole king of jump and pass quickly opens a newsletter? This guy is creative!!!!!!!
I was so sad already. Even though I didn’t know ope. It still felt like my friend was leaving me. Nice April Fool prank ?
@ope. You really got me. From the write up at my mail till I clicked ‘Read More’ I trust you know that look awwwn. But I was relieved of the tense at I read below. Your content is interesting and irresistible to read. Am really happy knowing you & thanks for all you do! Keep on impacting!
When I saw the mail, I had a bitter sweet feeling, then I thought it could an April fool prank? not until I opened the resignation letter. I’m so happy for you Ope. Cheers and I can’t wait to read the book
For the first time I read mail like this, please don’t do this to me again, I’m asthmatic, arhggghh fold up ke? Me wey just put money there and we’d still going to 1year.
Waoh! Ope I must confess I was on the verge of tears, even though I don’t know you! You really got me there! I’ve always been a silent reader of your mails and have always enjoyed them and when I read the first few lines I panicked! You’re good girl, I must give you that! Keep up the good work.
I have not seen a good content creator like Ope. I left my work to come and read why Ope of all people is leaving. I will be glad to read your book.
Ope!!! My friend ? Weldon o
Never been this eager to read your mails, but always expectant, guiding each mail jealously from delete.
In all you do next time Biko don pull this stunt again ??
I can’t wait to read your book ope!
For unknown reason I hope you’re a lady because that’s the picture I’ve made up from the emotions and passion your write up carries ??, that’s not to say a guy can’t do same, but when such happens the first gender that comes to mind is female… Love Ope!
Haaaa! Thank God this isn’t real. It would have not been a good way to start the month.
Ope, I must confess that you got me. I had to quickly run here to read the rest of the story. ?
I love the twist. But much more, the transition from being unknown to being known. I look forward to reading your book and getting really inspired by it.
Thank you for always being there.
Happy new month.
Good copy that.
Very good copy!
Omg I was so scared when I read the mail… Nice write up tho???? xoxo
I fell for it, Got sad immediately I saw goodbye.
Please don’t go and yes I’d like to meet you in person.
Thanks for all you do, you’ve helped a lot of us sort our finances.
I’ll be waiting for your book ?
Love and light from this end ??
Ope.. You pranked us. Good to know you’re still that friend giving me financial advise
Ohh I just remembered it’s first of April??
You really got me! Didn’t know I could feel this way for someone I didn’t know. Good writing!!! Can’t wait to read the book! I bet it’ll be amazing!
My name is Alex I just join cowrywise not long…. Can somebody pls dm me on WhatsApp I have some questions 07067128250??
Opeeeeeeeeee!!!! !!! !!! !!
My chest oooo ??
I usually don’t click to read more but all sorts of thoughts ran through my mind and I had to read more
You are good Joor
Congratulations on your book
Nice one Ope, well played, when I saw it, I already knew its a April fool’s day prank and you got me real good, because if I didn’t read beyond my mail I would have believed ?
I was pretty sure at the beginning that it was some sort of prank but reading through I started having doubts…lol
Would always love to read from you, Ope.
I opened your mail after a long while. This got me!
See April fool prank ??.
Madam Ope or Mr Ope…
Stop doing this kind of thing in a platform like this, do you want your fans to pee a very hot pee in there panties? ??
This is great! I don’t usually open my mail to read, guilty there ?, but as soon as I saw this on the notification box, I had to read. I was scared for a while, almost at the verge of tears ?. Cheers to openness ?. I’d love to read your book ?. Happy New Month Ope ?
I knew it… I just wanted to see the end of it.
i though ope’s days were numbered at the start ?nice one,u got me serious nd focused for a moment!!
Ope, you actually got me there. Nice play, I can’t wait to read your book
Thanks for staying back Ope ????
Ope, you actually got me there. Nice play, I can’t wait to read your book.
Wow! Nice one
This got me ……..i guess OPE just fooled us all……april fool…lol
Haaaaaaa ??? you narrowly cut me, thank GOD you were not leaving, happy new month, what a prank
I wont even lie
You got me totally
I was like,where is he going to!!!!!!!
Happy April fool’s day Ope…. Well done ?
Ope you don do your own o. 1-0
I go equalize
I swear, I felt sad reading the mail you sent. Looking at this now, it made me think how much I would’ve missed seeing a mail from you if you were actually leaving Cowrywise. Thank you for being there Ope! ❤️
Wow! Ope, You really got me.
So after all this years of treading carefully about April fool, Ope got me, first time I jumped at Read More.
Nice play Cowrywise team. Excellent good creative, whoever brought about this script should get a raise.
Seriously, I fell! ?
Ope why?I felt sadness washed over me when I saw the Mail,and to be honest I have started thinking already on how to withdraw my money from cowrywise because you are just like my anchor in this whole journey.i enjoy reading from you and am glad you are not leaving.
Omo! Your message quickly clear my eyes pass water early this morning….
Now, I can use water to wipe my face. Lol!
Can’t wait to have Ope’s money diary…
If I slap you, Ọpẹ! You dey whine me ni? ?
Ope!! My favourite financial advisor!?
I saw a screenshot of your mail on a friend’s Whatsapp status and hurriedly went to check my mail. Nicely done!
I look forward to your book release , by the way.
Thanks for all you do.
Happy new month. Cheers to total openness??
You’re a Fish, with all due respect
You’re a Fish, with all due respect Sir
Ope, ☺️don’t try this expensive joke, ?infact prank ? I don’t like opening and reading emails, but I opened this one. To how cowrywise want to say goodbye. Hmm pls no heart attack oo.?
This is the second time I’m opening this newsletter. First time was like last year or so.
You’ve done well with this storytelling and I need to borrow a cue from you.
This is the definition of April fools day. Lol
Ope!!!! You got me! I just had to tap the button!!!
I should have known today was April fool’s day, not to believe anything. Yet see me shocked when I got the email. Ope take your time o; this prank was too expensive, lol
Does this mean we will get to see your face in the book?
Open stays!!!!
I almost cried even though I don’t even know if you are a He or She.
Keep being amazing Ope.
I’m waiting for your book.
? A lot of thoughts ran through my mind seeing the notification of this mail. Who will my next advisor be? I wish I can get to know Ope personally? I will really miss her and so on. But thank God it’s an opportunity to know you better, I can relax now?
Ah. Ope!???
Ope you got me.Thank you for coming to the open,please note that many missed it in their early days,and cowrie wise is making it right for them now.l look forward to your book.God bless.
Well done, Ope! Just well done.
Your april fool worked sha ???
What a good way to start a new month of APRIL FOOL.
honestly…the article was beautiful
?This actually caught my attention.
Wow, Ope?. Not me sending a reply email to you wishing you the best in your future endeavors.
Nice one??❤️.
OMG Ope, you really got me ?. I can’t remember the last time I opened your email but this…. Nahhhhhh.
You are really good at what you do. More grease to your elbow ?
Opeeeee Opeeeee Opeeeeee! How many times did i kall you?
Wait for me, i am bringing my ‘omorogun’ to meet you, you hear??
Anyways, we still love you like dat sha?? Nice one??
Ha! April fool. Ope why?
Ope, …you got me there….was heartbroken…nearly withdrew my savings…☺️☺️☺️…not funny ja re…This is your April fool!!!!
It’s the 1st of April. Well played Ope.
I didn’t expect this, but it’s creative. Nice one.
I can’t wait to know you, I’ve been to the HQ about two times now, but I’ve never seen you.
I almost broke down thinking this news was true.. You’re good Ope. The best one I have seen yet.. Cowrywise won with you
Baba gbé wa ni April fool ni sha…..
I don’t dey prepare to Uninstall my app…. ? ? ?
Welcome to the real world ó jare
Hi Ope, it is been great to have you around. But Ope is the cowrywise I know. Even though I know you ain’t leaving. Please don’t think about that anytime soon.
Meanwhile, my account was temporarily flagged by you guys yesterday. Please can you guys resolve it faster. I am in tight fix rn.
Tor,I don’t even know what to say,to God
What do you want to say before???
Lovely did i just really fall for this, anyways your salary really needs to be increase, cause I hardly read mails to even open the link nice one.
Almost forgot today was April fool’s day. Pls ope don’t go???. I sincerely enjoy your write up. Have read almost all. Use to star them. Thanks thanos
Jeez! I can’t believe I was sad and concerned. THAT A ROBOT WAS ‘LEAVING’.
Na God go hep my life.
Ope, you really pranked us?
I love you btw
Ope, you almost got me or should I say…
You got me..???
Omo men, this makes makes me want to know you more.
Ope, is this your April fool?. You really pranked us ?.
And here I was thinking ope from cowrywise will not send me mails no more ……..you Sha got me. Waiting for the book tho.
What a strategy.??…. Actually thought you were leaving
Ha! You want to give me heart attack ni, I thought you were leaving cowrywise ooo, thank God it’s better for best
I love the this approach
Ha! Ope, You want to give me heart attack ni, I thought you were leaving cowrywise ooo, thank God it’s better for best
Best prank of the year ?
The tension in me as I was opening the letter eh… Good to know you are not leaving shaa.. But pls, I don’t like this hypertension..
Coded April fool prank, though??.. Peace!!
What an April Fool! My heart almost fell of me. It better be that you are not presenting your resignation letter. Where do I find another mentor friend like you if you resign?
Nice one Ope
Really jumped to clock read more
Happy New month btw
Ope, no dey play this kind play o??. I was really worried. Anyway, I can’t wait for your book to hit the shelves. Le ooking forward to reading it soon.
Lol April 1st day prank.
You almost or actually did get me here.
Nice One Ope?
Thanks for the April fool prank… More success all the way…
This is the real April fool.
Thank you Open, you have always got my back and I love your creativity.
I want be surprised because today is first of April anything can happen ??? OPE thank u ?
Lol. Ope, my heart broke a little for a second when I thought you were actually leaving. Please behave??
Swrrs….. I’d never really felt ope’s presence until I saw the mail?
Ope please don’t play like this again. I almost thought you were really leaving. Keep up the good work
Ope, mah no go catch you for street ooo, cos what is this? ??
Anyways, big congratulations on the launch in advance. I love you bro ?
Make me sef follow you sign out like that ✌️
Dear Ope,
To be candid, I’ve had a swollen eye. Don’t know the reason as we really haven’t met but seeing the message on Twitter first pushed me to check my mail.
Clicked on Read More only to find out it isn’t really a resignation mail like that.
That’s really okay and kudos to you. Would really love to see you and buy that book of yours.
Na cowrywise money I go use buy am shall.
Omo see April fool??……
Opeee…..u cut my mind, set am back?.
I was like ” who’s gonna give me financial tips now that I just started saving money??”
I literally screamed omg ope. Well played
I have been pranked omg
I was about to say’ “Thank God, No one would be shouting at me in my mail”
I must confess you are a very talented story teller and your book.. If you really have one… Would definitely be a good read. Well done ‘non-anonymous’ Ope.
I was about to cry that I wouldn’t be seeing Ope from Cowrywise in my email again???…. Ope that book ehn send it as PDF so I can be the first to read it❤️❤️?
Ope!well done o ? . I’ll whipe your head with cord next time but this is indeed a good story. I was so curious to know what really happened. The name Ope resonates with many of us.
Very Anoyying…. Total click bait… You don’t do that in marketing it pieces people off… Better still you use something else…
“Ope is leaving”
Ope is saying goodbye to you Noo!
Instead say
Ope is waving at you
After spending spending 5 years at cowrywise Ope feels she has to tell you something important
Then drop link
Is there lie there…
Very Anoyying…. Total click bait… You don’t do that in marketing it pieces people off… Better still you use something else… Damn
“Ope is leaving”
Ope is saying goodbye to you Noo!
Instead say
Ope is waving at you
After spending spending 5 years at cowrywise Ope feels she has to tell you something important
Then drop link
Is there lie there…
Ope ???, just tell me you did the April fool thing to me. It really got me
Bye Bye Ope.
Oh wait.
Nevermind. Oh oh.. of course.
Comrade, do you think what you’re doing is good, I almost got heart attack ??
Ope! ??? Please mentor me, I want to write like you when I grow up.
Me self need that mentoring.
You got me emotional. I been don dey think who go dey gimme financial tips bayi. It’s well.
You just scammed me emotionally.
Bros, if I catch you eh.
You got me emotional. I been don dey think who go dey gimme financial tips bayi. It’s well.
You just scammed me emotionally.
Bros, if I catch you eh.
Ahhhh ? ? ?. Ọpẹ no ddy use that kind thing play oo, leave with my life savings ké.
You want make dead body full everywhere nìyẹn ooo
I wasn’t at all moved. I was primed & ready to take your spot.
Ope goodbye and I will definitely love to know you more… thanks for all what you have been doing, seeing you at the top of your peak… much love sir
Nice one!..actually read to the end
@Ope, right from onset of the mail, I knew you are upto something.
I am happy to be hear and I have challenged myself to be better.
Ope thanks for putting me on edge with your so-called resignation letter. You got me!!! Its all good. It’s quite comforting to know that we still have you on ground though. Thanks for all you do.
Ope, please don’t play this kind of rough play again!! ??
Some of us do not know how to handle panics.
Omo, I thought you were leaving…I was thinking about your emails and how I won’t get to read from you ever again.
This April Fool got to me.
I love you, Ope.
Thank you for the money lessons.
I was waiting to see, “April Fool” in the end…
Happy New Month, Ope
Ope never misses at all?
You almost got me there
Ope, I was almost teary.. much love ?
This rough play ehn, this early morning.
If Ope Leave, trust in Cowrywise too will reduce.
Now I know two people at COWRYWISE, Ope & Faith (HR).
Keep up the good work, Ope!!!!
Well Ope, some times , I felt you are a man and other times a woman, but today I would like to guess that you are a man trying to play pranks on this lovely platform.
Reading through the comments by several people you succedded in arousing emotions and bringing out humanity in all these excellent and joyful men and women who are investing without tears.
Thank you for being so brilliant because many a time I have asked you hard questions and you gave near perfect answers which has allowed your project to have a seamless execution.
I have been with you since inception and I can relate to roller coaster experience you may be having.
Any way Ope, I want you to advocate on behalf of these peopel that love you so much by requestng your management to adopt a fee based approach as opposed to percentage for transactions. Please Ope, 1.5% maxed out at N2000.00 is too high considering the standard of living and the saving/investing culture you are trying to build upon these people that love you.
OMG….Ope! You got me really. I’ve always felt kike I was talking to you face to face just by reading my mails.
Oh! Thank Goodness you are not going anywhere
Nicely done Ope ?
Nice one, Ope
You really pulled a prank there
You almost had me there Ope!
Nicely done!!
Ahhh ope??? you really got me, I was scared asf but as I kept reading, my mind was getting settled.
Lol… Ope it is well with you o…..
Anyways looking forward to knowing more about you and congratulations, many more wins?
I received your messages with full shock because today will be my first time of clicking here to read full details of messages sent to my email by you !! I hope you reveal your real face while I smile back at you !! It nice saving on this app since 2019!!
Also my first time reading through his message ??
To actually think you are leaving ??, you really got me there.
I really thought it was an April Fool’s Prank
Ope please stop all this rough play ??
Ope…Ope…Ope…You Got Me so Sad and you finally put tears of Joy on my Face when I finally knew it was More than April Fool’s Pranks.. You Write Well.. You Have a Good Command of human situations and How to push the mind through.. Keep it up was introduced to cowrywise by my Daughter’s and I’m loving it here..
Okay Ope..you owe me one now for being concerned for you so much I clicked the see the letter.
LoL,you really got me there.
Good luck on your book launch.
Lol almost had me there tho?
Ope !!!
If you try this heartbreaking trick again; You will see me personally.
Congrats on your new step though.
More success ahead
Mapami na, congratulations dear
Oniranu nie Opeyemi
Ope which kain April “fool” prank be dis nawwww????? fear hook me ?? my mood con change…but now I’m fine ?
Was sad. But later realized that it was April fool
Was sad. But later realized that it was April fool.
Mehn! First thing that came to my mind was my moneyyyyy ooooo. ???
You got me mehn
Ope, Ope, Opeeeeeee!
Don’t prank me again, I am not your mate.
Don’t give me heart attack.
I enjoy your newsletters and I give it up to you for always catching my attention.
But, I am not your mate, don’t prank me again.
It is well o
Ope you really got me…. I was scared, already thinking what might have happened for you to leave Cowrywise..for that I can’t wait for my maturity date to withdraw myself and my money??? i
Ope you really got me…. I was scared, already thinking what might have happened for you to leave Cowrywise..for that I can’t wait for my maturity date to withdraw myself and my money???
I was about asking if I shud close down my account too? Bcos I’ve been thinking how the next person will be fine checking up on me/us….
So I’m glad you’re still with us. Thank you
Big man don’t try this again, except, you want someone to develop heart attack. Lol
As my browser showed ‘april fool’ as part of the URL address, I knew it was a trick. I love your work Ope, have shared a few on my Facebook wall. Great content. I will love to buy your book for sure.
What a very teasing title, I had to read the whole post. Well done Ope!
You almost had me there