At the most basic level, the reason we all pursue, desire, and fiercely protect money is because of what we can do with it. Not necessarily anything else. In Richard Templar’s “Rules of Money”, he identified 10 things people most want to spend their money on, which are:
- security
- comfort
- luxuries
- mobility
- status
- influence
- freedom
- leisure
- popularity, and
- philanthropy
“Whether it’s some or all these things you’d like more of, you need to know how to go about generating greater wealth”, he says.
With a mix of old-school money advice and millennial nuggets, Richard Templar outlined in this book what he calls the Rules of Money. In this 5-part book authored in 2007, Templar explains that there is one reason some are wealthy and others are not. It’s because there are rules. Some understand it, and others don’t.
While he does not claim that these rules are the only ways to build wealth, he explains in 5 very easy-to-read parts how to make money and hold on to it.
This article explains these parts in digestible, applicable pieces:
On Thinking Wealthy…
One thing that wealthy people have in common, is that they have nothing in common. They could be white, black, tall, short, fat, or thin. Money is not reserved for a select minority. Wealth can be yours, but it begins with challenging your perceptions of money, and the wealthy. What are your money beliefs? What is money to you? What does wealth mean to you? Set money goals, believe they are achievable, and prepare to work towards achieving them. Money begins in the mind.
On Getting Wealthy…
This is the part where you put in the work. Getting wealthy requires a lot of honesty and self-awareness. It also requires that you develop some soft skills like negotiation and discipline. Planning your finances, having emergency funds, deciding your attitude to risk. You may have heard some of these things, but the real question is, do you do them? Understand that your financial needs change at different stages of your life. You need a plan if you want to get wealthy.
On Getting Even Wealthier…
Money begets money. Money also flies, just like time. If your plan after getting wealthy is to sit back and count your loot, then you’d lose that money faster than you got it. At this stage, you might need to get financial advisers around you. This is not the time to take your eyes off the ball, but a time to explore opportunities. Markets shift, fashions change, and products fade, so timing is crucial. Focus on building long-term income streams. Be insured. Don’t try to make more money too quickly. You may not have time to learn how to handle it, so you might end up spending it inappropriately.
On Staying Wealthy…
Now you have money, your focus is on keeping it that way. Shop for quality rather than price. Good products might be expensive, but they last long. Read the fine print. Plan for retirement. One surprise from life can make you broke again, so you need an emergency fund. Don’t surrender equity (for business owners). Know when to stop. That’s right. You need breaks sometimes. At this point, you have your money working for you, so you don’t have to work all day. Go on vacations. Give to causes that interest you, because what is money without a sense of fulfilment?

On Sharing Your Wealth…
Speaking of fulfilment, Templar explains that wealth is like a beautiful painting. “Sure you can hang it in your study and only you get to look at it, but you can also share it and let others look too.” Wealthy people are often seen giving huge sums to charity organizations or donating to causes that they support. It may seem unfair to share the money you have worked ever so hard for, but hear him out. If the successful, happy rich people feel at ease sharing their wealth with the needy, the weak, and the unfortunate, perhaps there’s a lesson there for all of us.
In Conclusion
The rules summarized in these five parts speak beyond paths to which we can afford the 10 things outlined at the beginning. Richard Templar’s “Rules of Money” speaks to behavioural and mindset changes we need to live by to build long-term wealth. I’d highly recommend that you read this book in its entirety to dissect these parts and take in the most applicable rules for you.
It’s never too late to build wealth. Start today.
Good evening, my question to you please if open an account today in naira his the money will converted to us dollar to running the account
If you are investing in a dollar fund, yes.
Can the funds be traded rather than investing to increase gains?
What if your money is in cash(Dollar)
Please I already have an account, will I have to re-open another account before investing in dollar?
Can I invest in the next eurobond using dollar (cash)? If yes, will my returns be in dollar as well or it will be converted to naira??
Hi Helen, you can invest in Eurobonds at any time. However, we only accept naira deposits at the moment. Also, your returns accrue in dollars.
So which is best to earn the second way or first?
Focusing on returns will be better
Hi, what is the minimum amount you can invest with.
Hi there. You can invest the naira equivalent of $100
Hi Ope, does that mean I’d need two accnts to operate the fund, I.e a naira account to put in the naira funds which is d only 1 u currently accept, then a domicilary account where my returns would accrue in?
I want to invest in your Eurobond.
I have re-installed your new app an still can get the eurobond plan?
How much is the minimum equivalent dollar for a start?
Can i get an overview of all the benefits and rules of this plan?
***and still can’t get the eurobond plan?
Do you allow people from south Africa
Hello, my question is if I invest in the dollar mutual fund how do I get the returns?
Will it be in naira or in dollars and will I have to open another account for the returns to go into
Can’t you go down to 50USD
Hello Nsikak, currently the minimum is $100 but we we are looking at a possible review in the future.
The new minimum is $10
Hello will I have to re-open another account before investing in dollar?
I have invested in dollars mutual fund… It means I Will get my return in one year
Hi Jonathan,
How is the return/interest on your investment from November 27,2020 so far??
No you don’t have to, just click on invest in mutual funds, you will see the options there. You can navigate and alot with your account.
If I invest in the euro bond, it is expected that my return accrues in dollar, right? And how do I withdraw the dollar? Do I need to convert it to naira, if yes, how can I convert my dollar to naira on the app. Lastly, how long do I need to leave my investment on cowrywise? Or can I withdraw anytime?
Am interested. Let’s say I put in a $1,000. What the ROI…within 1 year.
Your interest is 6.6% then calculate it for one year, I think so
As a Nigerian, can I save my money in dollars even though I don’t want to invest in a dollar mutual fund?
Pretty soon, yes!
If l invest in naira am l going to get it back in dollar
You’d be getting it at the prevalent naira exchange value of the dollar.
Am going to save in naira am going to get it back in dollar
You’d be getting it at the prevalent naira exchange value of the dollar.
Hello ope pls how much is $10 in naira
How long does the investment last.i.e when can I get my returns
I will give BIG CONGRATULATIONS to the entire Management of COWRYWISE for this wonderful opportunity to be a good investor with simple and sound education on various investment opportunities an investment can be done with little and grow within a short period period of time
God bless
Thank you so much ?
Now if I put 100$ in one year what is my return
If my return will be in the current dollar rate at the time, when i am investing and when am getting my returns, what exchange rate do u use? Black market rates or the bank rates – please verify in each case. Thanks.
Hello please if you can create the one we can start with the minimum $1 we’ll be happy ??
I just started investing in eurobond funds on cowrywise. So far so good, it has been a good platform to invest money and earn back. Kudos to the team behind this platform