Ope's Diary

Entry 11: Finally. Confirmation, At Least.

Today, there’s no story because I’m in pain.

I’m currently at the hospital, writing this after 2 injections. 

I woke up this morning feeling so sick, I could hardly move. If I’m being honest, it has been a long time coming, and I’m just thankful to know where I really stand.

For the past 2 days I’ve been waiting patiently for a confirmation, and I finally have it.

It’s malaria. 


Last week I took a COVID-19 test after I noticed some symptoms. I suspected it wasn’t anything considering I had been staying safe, but I took a test just to be sure.

Shortly after taking the test, the symptoms became worse, as if to say “Haha sucker! Sike!” 

I panicked for a bit but I didn’t want to overthink anything. I just wanted to wait till the results were in. The COVID-19 test was negative, pheww, but the other ones showed I had malaria. Luckily I have health insurance and didn’t have to pay a dime today at the hospital. 

A visit to the doctor’s office, 2 injections, and 3 disgusting yellow straight-from-hell anti-malaria pills later, I finally had time to pick up my phone.

I still hadn’t checked the notification from T until just now. I couldn’t take any more pain. But wait…

It says here: “T & Ope’s Duo” ???

T & Ope? T & Ope??!!!!
Okayyyyyyy…. I can get used to this ?
Why was I even panicking? A whole spec like me. Of course T accepted it ?


I’m thankful for Cowrywise and health insurance, but even more thankful for this win because I know health insurance doesn’t cover everything – especially not heartbreak.

Once I’m able to get through this heap of pills by tonight, my weekend would be off to a great start. I’m super exci- Owwwww!!
Why did this nurse just poke me like this ? 

Ughhh, I hate injections so much. I just want my bed now. Sigh.

Ohh well, let me go look at my Duo page again to be sure I wasn’t seeing double. 

“T & Ope” has a nice ring to it, and now I can’t stop smiling ?

If you passed by anybody at the hospital today blushing while taking injections (instead of screaming, like a normal person) – that was me. Madness, I know, but it is what it is.

Have an amazing almost weekend.

Talk tomorrow.

Ope ?

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