An initial public offering (IPO) is a process that a company follows to raise funds from the public by offering its shares of stock for sale.
This article discusses what an IPO means in the stock market and how to buy one.
Jump to a section:
- What is an Initial Public Offering (IPO)?
- What is the meaning of IPO in stock market?
- What do you need to know about the company before you invest?
- How do you buy an IPO?
- Who are IPOs for?
- Is it good to buy IPO stocks?
- IPO vs shares
What is an Initial Public Offering (IPO)?
An Initial Public Offering (IPO) is the first time a company offers its shares for public trading.
It’s also a process where a company raises capital by selling shares to investors.
The money raised during an IPO can be used by the company in different ways: expanding their business, paying off debts, or even distributing dividends to shareholders.
What is the meaning of IPO in stock market?
IPO presents an opportunity for Investors to make money by buying into companies that are likely to do well in the future.
The main objective of an IPO is for a company’s founders to raise funds from investors.
As part of the listing, these companies are expected to present detailed information about their financial performance.
They present their business model, management structure, risks involved with investing in them etc., which enables investors to decide whether they should invest in those firms or not.
This is why IPOs are often referred to as “going public.”
Once an IPO completes successfully, the issuer company becomes listed on a stock exchange and can start trading its shares publicly.
What do you need to know about the company before you invest?
Before investing in a company, you should know its products and services, financials, management team, competitors and growth rate.
- Know the Company’s Products and Services
Before buying stock in a company’s IPO, do your own research on whether or not there is a demand for their product or service.
You can check out how many people are using it by visiting review websites.
If there’s no market for it then chances are good that once your money goes into this business, things may not end well.
- Find out about their Financials
After doing some research into whether or not there is demand for the product, find out about its financials including their historical performance from inception.
The best way to do this is through an annual report which shows all sorts of data including revenue/earnings per share growth over time, and total assets under management (AUM).
- Their business model and competitive advantage
Besides knowing what products or services they offer, know where they are positioned in terms of pricing and quality relative to competitors.
This can help you determine whether or not it will be difficult for others to compete with them on price or quality.
- Growth potential
How much money do they make per customer?
How many customers do they have now?
How many customers could they potentially have in the future based on current trends?
Questions like these will help answer questions such as “what will happen if demand increases?” Or “will my investment grow?”.
How do you buy an IPO?
If you want to buy an IPO, the process is simple. The company that’s issuing the stock will sell it through a broker who is licensed to handle this type of transaction.
While IPOs are generally available only to institutional and sophisticated investors due to the high costs involved, there are some companies that offer them directly through their websites or through stock brokers as well (e.g., retail IPOs).
Buy IPO using Mutual Funds/SIPs
Besides buying IPO using a stock broker, you can also buy through mutual funds.
Mutual funds (MFs) are a good option because they usually have a low entry fee, which means that you can buy more shares at the start of the IPO at a lower cost.
Also, MFs are great for long-term investments and give you better returns over time.
One way to invest in an IPO using MF is by investing through a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP).
With this method, you invest small amounts every month instead of large sums upfront.

Who are IPOs for?
Anyone who has money can buy shares in an IPO, but it’s wise to make sure that you understand the risks involved before investing your hard-earned cash.
IPOs are usually not suitable for conservative investors. They require a high risk tolerance and can be very volatile in the short term.
If you’re an investor with a medium or long-term investment horizon and if you can afford to lose your money if things go wrong, then you might want to consider investing in IPOs.
Learn more about types of investors.
A company gets listed on a stock exchange through initial public offering (IPO).
Is it good to buy IPO stocks?
When you buy an IPO stock, there is risk involved. If the company turns out to be a dud (meaning it performs poorly in terms of sales and profits), then you can lose your investment.
However, if the company does well after its IPO and becomes profitable, then you get to enjoy the benefits of your good decision-making.
This means that buying an IPO stock can make you either losses or gains depending on how well that stock performs in the market.
IPO stocks are risky because they are new companies without proven track records or histories of success behind them.
So it is difficult for investors/buyers to predict what kind of returns these companies will generate for them in future years.
At the same time, these young companies offer immense potential for growth since they have not yet reached their full capacity as organizations capable of generating profits.
IPO vs shares
IPO stands for Initial Public Offering. It is a public offering of shares of a company to investors in the stock market. On the other hand, equity (shares) refers to ownership in a firm’s assets and earnings.
When you own equity in a company, you have an ownership stake that entitles you to share in its profits (or losses).
Shares can be bought and sold on exchanges such as the Nigerian Stock Exchange.
Learn more about equities.
An IPO is a great way for investors to participate in the stock market.
The main benefits of investing in IPOs include high returns on investment, more liquidity and lower risk compared to some investment opportunities.
However, it’s also important to understand that investing in an IPO comes with its own unique risks, such as regulatory uncertainties or changes in the management style of the company.
Make sure you do thorough research before making any decisions!