To all lovers everywhere, who are making love work, we salute you. It can’t be easy initiating, maintaining, and reigniting the flames of love in this economy. Love is pretty expensive – a bouquet, depending on the vendor you patronize, costs between N36,000 to N101,000 forgusake! A romantic dinner for two at a fancy restaurant – you are talking about N50,000 or waaayyyy more. A weekend getaway? That’s a premium experience reserved for the elite. And that’s not to talk of the sometimes arduous journey from meeting your lover, and navigating through the proverbial talking stage before becoming official. It’s not easy. But, it is worth it when you find real love. And we have proof.
‘The investor’s guide to making love work’ is a collection of stories from 6 people in Cowrywise who are either married, engaged, or in serious relationships. In these pages, you’ll find personal stories, pieces of practical advice, and words of wisdom from people who are making love work no matter what. I believe you can do the same. I hope that the content of this guide will help you navigate the beautiful, patient, kind, but sometimes troubled and murky waters we call love.
So is love enough? Or does it require something extra? Find out in this guide.
Wishing you lots of joy and peace. Happy Valentine’s Day ?
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