
The “Mama Put” Who is Saving for a House – Streetwise Episode 1

“I didn’t even know how, but now I make a lot of money from it.”

These are my favourite words from Mariam when we had a conversation with her on the first episode of Streetwise.

Mariam is a hardworking food vendor (or “mama put” in local parlance) whose journey to financial freedom began in a place where she least expected – her former office.

By living within her means and a sprinkle of contentment, she has gone on to grow her food business steadily. She’s now at a level where she is financially comfortable and can even take financial responsibilities for her siblings.

She spoke about how she deals with debt in her business and even made reference to a particular debtor who made away with her money once. 

However, her benevolent outlook on life keeps her grounded in positivity and constant kindness. She believes that letting people buy things “on credit” is a way of giving back to society and she explained why.

Speaking about a typical day in her life left us in awe. Her financial goals are just as audacious as her work ethic is remarkable. I assure you, there are very few people who can do what she does.

At the end of this refreshing conversation, she answered the two golden questions:

  1. What does money mean to you?
  2. If you received 1 million naira right now, what would you do with it?

Her answers were really commendable and this entire episode is one you should watch – especially if you’re a fan of relatable, soul-moving human stories.

Streetwise Episode 1

If you are somehow searching for reassurance that hard work, dedication, and discipline can pay off financially and even otherwise, tap on the video below to catch up on this juicy first episode of Streetwise.

Have you watched this episode yet? What stood out most for you? Let me know in the comments.

Ohh, and what did your friends think when you shared it with them or when they saw Streetwise Episode 1 on your Whatsapp status? ?

Or you haven’t shared it yet? Let’s fix that now, shall we?

About author
Felix Akinnibi is an SEO specialist with 5+ years of experience doing SEO for both big brands and small businesses. He has done 100+ SEO audits so far and written 200+ pieces of content with a good number ranking in the SERPs. Felix holds several industry-standard SEO certifications from platforms such as MarketingSyrup Academy, Semrush, Google, LinkedIn among others. He keeps learning SEO and loves it. He especially takes interest in the technical aspect of SEO.

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